Race results
Results for Trophy Race 4
A glorious warm, sunny, breezy day. The course was set for 3 anticlockwise laps of Fairway, Outer, Inner with a final port turn around Fairway. Conditions were pretty good with a steadily building F4-5 S veering SW, although it was heavy going at times on the upwind leg from Inner to Fairway. Three laps was hard-work but satisfying and the race time was within our usual target or 1.5 to 2 hours. Despite a slow start dealing with technical issues, Richard and Justin made short work moving up through the fleet and beating the other 2 F18s convincingly.
Race status
Race type
Depending on the forecast it could be a Harbour race, the Nab Tower race, or any one of the other great variety of Hayling Ferry Sailing Club trophy races.
Keep an eye out for an email from the sailing secretary from mid-week onwards.